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How Promo Products Can Make a Lasting Impression

How Promo Products Can Make a Lasting Impression

How would you describe your company in 30 seconds?

This common sales technique is known as an elevator pitch, and the goal is to captivate the attention of your potential clients and explain how your services or products will solve their pain points.

However, while it's important to master your elevator pitch and feel confident delivering it, how can you go above and beyond to make your business even that more memorable?

The answer is promotional products.

The Pros of Promo Products

Handing our promotional products not only boosts brand visibility and generates leads, but 89% of consumers can recall the advertiser even two years after receiving a promotional product, according to the Promotional Products Association International, the trusted leader in the promotional products industry, offering networking opportunities, education, and resources to members.

Promo products are an essential resource to use when pitching your business at tradeshows and other networking opportunities because they motivate visitors to act once they leave your booth.

The promo products you hand out leave lasting impressions, that's why it is crucial to have high-quality items that don't look cheap or gimmicky. If your products are not high-grade, it's easy for people to look beyond your credentials and assume you don't take your business seriously. These products are a reflection of your company, so it's important to spend a little more on promo products so you'll never lose out on opportunities to grow your brand.

Utilizing Promo Products in Every Industry

It doesn't matter the type of industry you are in, handing our promo products to prospective clients is one way to set yourself up for success and stand out from the rest.

For example, let's pretend the mock wedding venue, Sonway, is participating in a local wedding expo, along with hundreds of other businesses within the industry. From the multitude of venues, florists, and caterers available to brides and grooms at this tradeshow, one of the best ways for Sonway to stand out is by handing out exclusive promo products to engaged couples who show interest in the venue. This can be anything from champagne flutes engraved with the company logo to a planner that helps them schedule out vendor meetings. Not only will couples remember the business, but if they are on the fence between two venues, receiving an intentional, meaningful promo product might just sway their choice.

Also, remember, you don't need to hand out a promo product to every person who walks by your booth. Hand them out to the ones who show interest in your services. If you are engaged in a conversation with someone for a few minutes, show them your appreciation by giving them an exclusive item. This will ensure that they will remember your business and the conversation you had long after the tradeshow is over.

Promotional products are powerful, effective advertising tools that leave lasting impressions and help consumers remember your business. Six in 10 people keep promotional products for up to two years, according to PPAI! That means there's a good chance your logo will be sticking around for quite some time, and who knows, may even generate a profit for you down the road.